How will the world end?


Legacy Member
I have a fascination with the end of the world, and often dream up scenarios of how we may see armageddon (and how the future world will exist post-armageddon). Mostly, we end up in some dystopian police state. :D

How do you think the end of the world will come about? From an asteroid slamming into us, or will we eventually nuke/poison our planet?
According to science, the world will still be here in 1 billion years more or less and then it will blow and disappear in the universe. But according to the bible, the world will have disasters first and then end by firestorms. I really don't know where to believe in but it's really scary just thinking about those.
According to science, the world will still be here in 1 billion years more or less and then it will blow and disappear in the universe. But according to the bible, the world will have disasters first and then end by firestorms. I really don't know where to believe in but it's really scary just thinking about those.

If that does happen, which I am not that confident of. We would have started living on habitable planets, so the human race will still exist and we will be seen as the founding planet (Earth). But everything has to come to an end. Infintity does not exist for any thing.

the end of the world will be a 3rd world war , with nuclear weapons, and after that nuclear winter with acid rain, the death will come from nuclear radiation, starvation and cold, that's an plausible end of the world, not aliens, not 2012 or some other bullshit you see on the internet.
If that does happen, which I am not that confident of. We would have started living on habitable planets, so the human race will still exist and we will be seen as the founding planet (Earth). But everything has to come to an end. Infintity does not exist for any thing.


I agree... But where to? I don't think we can survive in any other planets than the Earth.
You know, the science says that it is too cold or too hot in other planets in the universe.
Before, I used to think that it is going to be through nuclear warfare that the world is likely going to end but right now, I don't think that is mostly going to happen but I see technological warfare and total dependence on in the use of artifical intelligence that will bring about the end of man sooner than later.
Because there is a God-who created us in His image- mankind craves perfection, peace, hope, unconditional love and eternity in His presence. Mankind was created in perfect harmony and relationship with the one true God. Sin is what separated us from Him.

Every "religion" in the world speaks of what must be done for god. However, the Bible speaks of a God that sacrificed everything to redeem mankind. The one true God asks only for our surrender, trust and compete devotion. Each of the things you mentioned (like technology, time, resources) are just tools to be used to either glorify our Creator or edify ourselves.

The end of the world- like a wedding to unite God to His bride, the Church-will come following a seven-year tribulation. Jesus Christ will return, destroy the Antichrist and his armies, at the battle of Armageddon (Revelation 19:11-21). Christ will then bind Satan in the Abyss for 1,000 years. Christ, the Word will rule His earthly kingdom for this thousand-year period (Revelation 20:1-6).

At the end of the thousand years, Satan will be released, defeated again, and then cast into the lake of fire (Revelation 20:7-10) for eternity. All who refused the Lord and did not believe will be judged (Revelation 20:10-15) at the great white throne judgment. An eternity separated from God is referred to as the lake of fire. A new heaven, a new earth and the New Jerusalem will be the eternal dwelling place for believers, the bride of Christ, the Church. There will be no more sin, sorrow, or death (Revelation 21–22).
The way that the world is going, it's probably going to end with World War 3. And it won't be like WW1 or WW2, it'll most likely be nuclear weapons and complete civilisation wipe out - possibly the extinction of our species.