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Overview |
This is a revision lesson, although it can be used with a beginner's class as an introduction to the Present Simple. The assumption is that students have some knowledge of the Present Simple, although the lesson revises the positive and question forms. Students will also need to be able to tell the time in English. The lesson also introduces vocabulary used to describe daily routines and the teacher can include more phrases if required. |
Learning Objective | Build fluency and confidence in spoken English. Become more accurate using Present Simple forms. Learn expressions- Verb + noun collocations and phrasal verbs to describe daily routines. |
Success Criteria | Students will have achieved the above and will only be making a small number of functional errors. |
CEFR Links | Can understand and use familiar everyday expressions and very basic phrases aimed at the satisfaction of needs of a concrete type. Can introduce him/herself and others and can ask and answer questions about personal details such as where he/she lives, people he/she knows and things he/she has. Can interact in a simple way provided the other person talks slowly and clearly and is prepared to help. |
Key Vocabulary |
Vocabulary. As this is a beginner's/A1 class their lack of English will make explanations of word meanings and concept check questions difficult. Use mime or simple drawings as much as possible to explain and concept check words. There is an exercise in the lesson in which students put the daily activities in order, intended as a concept check. Asking students to act out the various activities will also make sure they understand the vocabulary. As a further check, ask students to put the activities into categories- Morning/Afternoon/Evening and then get them to relate the activity to the time of day. |
Wake up | ???? /ˈweɪk.ʌp/ |
Get up | ???? /ɡet/ |
Drink/have a tea ![]() | ???? /drɪŋk/ /hæv/ |
Have/take a bath/shower | ???? /hæv/ /teɪk/ |
Eat/have breakfast | ???? /iːt/ /hæv/ |
Go to school/work | ?? /ˈɡəʊˌtuː/ ??/ˈɡoʊˌtuː / |
Eat/have lunch | ???? /iːt/ /hæv/ |
Go home | ?? /ɡəʊ/ ?? /ɡoʊ/ |
Arrive/get home | ?? ?? /ɡet/ |
Eat/have dinner | ???? /iːt/ /hæv/ |
Watch TV | ???? /wɑːtʃ/ |
Read a book | ???? /riːd/ |
Go to bed | ?? /ɡəʊ/ ?? /ɡoʊ/ |
Go to sleep | ?? /ɡəʊ/ ?? /ɡoʊ/ |
ℹ information
The use of 'have' is more common in British English.
The use of 'have' is more common in British English.
Lead in / Warm Up / Introduction ( 30 minutes ) | ||||||||||||||||
(It is not necessary to write all of the terms and students can be encouraged to add to the list using mime.)
Presentation / Teacher Model 10 minutes ) | ||||||||||||||
On the board, you should have: I wake up at 7.00. Show students the 3rd person singular form I You wake up at 7.00/have lunch at 1.00 We They
She wakes up at 7.00/has lunch at 1.00 It On the board, make a table to highlight the two sounds. example:
Main Activities (30 mins) |
Main activities 1 Controlled/Scaffolded Practice 1 (5-10 mins)
Presentation 2 (5-10 mins) Present Simple Questions- 'What time do…?'
What time do you wake up? we they
What time does she wake up? It Pronunciation add 'does' to the /z/ sound of your chart. Remind students that Open or 'Wh' questions have a rising intonation at the end. Choral practice works well with lower-level groups. |
Free practice (30 mins) Talk about routines.
Does he᷄! (rising intonation) Or She doesn̂'t! (falling intonation)
Extension Task |
Usually – 80% Generally – 60% Sometimes – 40% Hardly ever - 10% Never – 0%
Plenary / Assessment ( 5-10 minutes ) |
Grammar- Present Simple Grammar Present Simple We use the present simple to talk about things which are generally true.
Base form I/you/we/they + infinitive Example: I like pasta. He/she/it + infinitive + s Example: She likes pasta. Negative form With negatives, we use the auxiliaries do and do not (don't). There is no change to the main verb. I/you/we/they + don't + infinitive Example: I don't like pasta. He/she/it + infinitive + s Example: She doesn't like pasta. Question form With questions we use the auxiliaries does and does not (doesn't). We invert the auxiliary and the subject. There is no change to the main verb. Do I/you/we/they + infinitive Example: Do you like pasta? Does he/she/it + infinitive Example: Does she like pasta? For open questions (those starting with 'wh…'), we use the same structure we just add the question word. Normally, there is no object. What do I/you/we/they + infinitive Example: What do you like? What does he/she/it + infinitive Example: What does she like? |
What is important about the phonology of the language? |
Problems that might occur | What I will do |
Students may get confused or fail to use 's' with 3rd person singular verbs. | Correct all errors that occur using these verbs. Highlight on the board and refer back whenever there is an error. |
Resources and materials |
Pencil, pen, board pen, whiteboards and activity cards. https://edchat.net/attachments/activity-card-pdf.146803/ |
Worksheet/Handout Previews |
Activity Card![]() |