I do not understand how you can even ask do you like education? Without it you would not be able to ask the question, therefore you have to like it.
Throughout our lives we have to do many things we do not like, such as pass tests, east greens, brush teeth, etc etc. Just because we do not like them does not mean we do not do them.
no i dont as simple as That
Ahh, I have a son, he's three, and I know he doesn't like certain things that we make him do. He doesn't like them, but he learns from them, because that is the nature of being human. When you put your hand near the fire and it's hot and it hurts, you don't like it, but you learn it. And you NEVER forget that, no matter how much time elapses.True, but as I said if you do not like it you would not retain the knowledge that you have learned. Think about it objectively if you are forced to learn something, do you recall the ins and outs of it later? Or have you forgotten it over time? The ability to ask a question is taught at a very young age, and had you not liked it you would not know how to ask the question now. And really, there is no like or dislike when it comes to education. You are either educated or you are not. But as always that is just my opinion