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Addition And Subtraction - One-Digit And Two-Digit Numbers

Key Stage 1 (Ages: 5-7) Addition And Subtraction - One-Digit And Two-Digit Numbers

An interactive lesson for pupils in kindergarten on adding and subtracting one-digit and two-digit numbers
In this lesson, learners will be able to read, write and interpret mathematical statements involving addition (+), subtraction (−) and equals (=) signs. They will be able to add and subtract one-digit and two-digit numbers to 20, including 0.

With lots of classroom maths activities using drag and drop. Test with instant feedback. Can be used as learner resource or maths lesson plans for teachers.

Designed with lots of drag and drop activities for independent learning.
23 Slides
Highly interactive
To view this resource, unzip and open the multiscreen.html file in the folder. The resource is also responsive so can be viewed on mobile devices.
  • Addition And Subtraction - One-Digit And Two-Digit Numbers-1.png
    Addition And Subtraction - One-Digit And Two-Digit Numbers-1.png
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  • Addition And Subtraction - One-Digit And Two-Digit Numbers-2.png
    Addition And Subtraction - One-Digit And Two-Digit Numbers-2.png
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  • Addition And Subtraction - One-Digit And Two-Digit Numbers-3.png
    Addition And Subtraction - One-Digit And Two-Digit Numbers-3.png
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  • Addition And Subtraction - One-Digit And Two-Digit Numbers-4.png
    Addition And Subtraction - One-Digit And Two-Digit Numbers-4.png
    45.3 KB · Views: 479
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