Editorial Guidelines

Atomic Academia's Editorial Guidelines

Atomic Academia is committed to upholding the highest editorial standards to ensure the quality, accuracy and integrity of our content. Our mission is to communicate complex ideas in a way that is accessible to a broad audience. These guidelines provide clarity and direction to all contributors, authors and editorial staff to achieve this goal effectively.

1. Editorial Independence and Integrity

  • Maintain full editorial independence, free from external influence.
  • Ensure transparency in funding sources. All financial support must be disclosed openly.

2. Accuracy and Transparency

  • Prioritise accuracy. Contributors and authors must thoroughly fact-check and verify information before submission.
  • Embrace transparency. Correct any mistakes or inaccuracies promptly and transparently.
  • Provide the right of reply when necessary to ensure fairness and accuracy.

3. Respect and Inclusivity

  • Avoid content that may cause harm, offence or discrimination.
  • Uphold ethical and professional conduct in all content creation and interactions.

4. Authorship and Expertise

  • Authors must demonstrate significant expertise in their subject matter.
  • Disclose any conflicts of interest. Adherence to academic standards is expected.

5. Diversity and Inclusion

  • Value diversity in authorship and content, embracing cultural, gender, age and geographical diversity.
  • Ensure content reflects diverse perspectives and experiences.

6. Disclosure of Interests and Conflicts

  • Authors must transparently disclose any relevant affiliations or funding sources.
  • Clearly and prominently state conflicts of interest.

7. Editing Process and Approval

  • Seek diverse, fact-based and non-partisan perspectives in content.
  • The editorial team may make line edits to submissions before publishing.
  • Articles and content not suitable for publishing will be posted as a draft for community feedback or returned to the author.
  • We encourage post-publishing editing.

8. Right of Response

  • Respect the right of response both before and after publication.
  • Encourage constructive criticism and provide space for contrary views.

9. Legal Compliance and Ethical Considerations

  • Ensure content complies with applicable laws and ethical standards.
  • Respect privacy and consider global legal implications.

10. Handling Errors and Corrections

  • Rectify errors promptly and maintain an accurate record.
  • Retract articles only when legally required, due to major flaws or ethical concerns.

11. Complaints Resolution

  • Establish a clear process for addressing complaints to ensure satisfactory resolution for all parties involved.
  • Maintain open communication with complainants.

12. Clarity and Accessibility

  • Use clear, non-technical language in content.
  • Aim to make complex ideas understandable to a wide audience.
  • Maintain articles within a reasonable word limit, typically no more than 2000 words, to ensure reader engagement.

13. Comments and Community Standards

  • Encourage respectful and relevant comments while reserving the right to remove inappropriate content.
  • Enforce community standards, including the use of real names.

These guidelines reflect Atomic Academia's commitment to effective communication, diversity and integrity. By adhering to these principles, we ensure that our content serves the public interest and engages a wide and diverse audience effectively.
