Experiences offer myriad opportunities for learning. Through these various learning opportunities, individuals can gain sets of perspectives that are crucial in understanding not only of himself or of herself but also of the world around them. The meaningful involvement with individuals with lived experience is a vital way to education that enables the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and attitudes for interactive and supportive practices.
The concept of TLT (transformative learning theory) provides interesting views in education. TLT focuses on the deep intellectual and psychological shifts that people experience as they assess their preconceived notions, principles, and viewpoints. This approach is based on constructivist concepts, which emphasize how learners understand and reframe what they have learned to create fresh interpretations and comprehension. In essence, learning theories suggest that all learning comprises outward contact with the surroundings and interior psychological processes that involve integrating novel motivations with previous outcomes for learning.
This article co-authored by Chaudhary, Yadav, Bastola, and Limbu (2024) reflects on the practices for transformation. The concept is to explore reflections on transformations through the lens of educator experiences in varied fields. Co-authors shared their early journeys and the realizations that emerged out of those learning events which served as their frame for reference in giving a more crucial look to what transformative learning as a tool actually is and what it can bring to education. The experiences are profound and may serve as concrete arguments as to where TLT is heading.
Essentially, this article helps us gain deeper perspectives on the so-called shift from assumptions that individuals do not probe to beliefs that are critically examined. In education, it translates to various applications. Using transformative learning theory offered opportunities for a major shift in thought framework, which allowed for both personal and professional progress. Learners can advocate for better teaching practices and provide learners with more autonomy in the manner of developing understanding by scrutinizing their own work. This tactic promoted intellectual curiosity, social change, and civic engagement. It encouraged giving individuals the tools they need to handle problems in the real world and positively impact society as a whole. Moreover, it cultivates a culture of continuous learning and adaptability, ensuring relevance and effectiveness in a variety of fields. Consequently, the notion of transformative learning provided an effective platform for creating, experimenting, and bringing about change both in and out of our immediate surroundings. While difficult to describe, transformative learning practices have resulted in substantial shifts in how we undertake our jobs. Students who apply the transformative learning concept can benefit significantly in terms of growth both personally and professionally. Individuals can find possibilities for growth and embrace novel concepts and techniques to boost their effectiveness in their respective positions by thoroughly evaluating their present actions and attitudes. Educators may transition from familiar, instructional approaches to more collaborative ones that promote intellectual curiosity, increased student participation, and valuable educational opportunities through evaluations. This constant development has the capacity to improve pedagogical quality and achievement among learners.
Consistent to what the article presents regarding lived experiences obviously varying from one individual to another, there is a risk posed on the theory being individualistic in focus and slim in calling to attention the emotional and sociocultural dimensions of the learning processes. Nevertheless, the article succeeded in outlining the premises and framework that work altogether in promoting the potential benefits of TLT with regard to emphasizing critical thinking and personal and professional development. The article challenges the various narratives relating with shifts in perspectives in the process of learning while also noting the understanding the TLT can be a significant presence in the enhancement of learning in various fields and contexts.